Thursday, March 8, 2012

Learning More About The Pain Body

The pain body                      (excerpt from

The cornerstone of emotional toxicity is the Pain Body, which prevents you from experiencing peace and connection at an emotional and spiritual level as well as vitality and health at a physical and cellular level. The Pain Body can be seen as its own energy field within the Cellular Memory whose prime directive is the accumulation and generation of pain in your life. Whether disease, dysfunction, imbalance or lack of peace occurs at any level, you can be sure that the Pain Body is playing a very active role in feeding its existence. Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, calls the cumulative layers of NEC the "Pain-Body" and refers to it as an entity. He says:

"There are two levels of pain: the pain that you create now, and the pain of the past that still lives on in your mind and body. This of course includes the pain that you suffer as a child, caused by the unconsciousness of the world into which you were born. The accumulated pain is a negative energy field that occupies your body and mind. If you look at it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting quite close to the truth - It's the emotional Pain-Body."
The cells in which past physical or emotional trauma is stored, operate in a survival pattern based on something that is no longer real or current for anyone but the person maintaining the pattern. When an unresolved issue or trauma impedes the flow of energy in the body-mind system, stagnation is created in a particular part of the body, often the organ, joint or muscle most associated with the trauma. We know further that areas of stagnant energy contain negative e-motional charge (NEC) that literally split and subdivide the human energy field in separate compartments without communication between them. When we hold off the trauma, we are allowing more layers of NEC to follow the original one making the situation even more complex. A simple example: You hurt your ankle while running because you are late to your office. You feel very upset for that. You get angry at yourself for not paying more attention when walking and you may blame yourself by saying things like, "Stupid, you never pay enough attention!" "You are going to be late and your boss will be upset with you". By now, your body is not only feeling the physical trauma in the form of real pain, but you are adding self-condemnation, anger, guilt, fear and unforgiveness. This process may go on and on.
Acupuncturist, Tapas Fleming writes in her book You Can Heal Now: " the moment when a problem or a trauma happens, (physical, mental or emotional) we have the feeling that life is unbearable and we say 'NO' to whatever is happening to us. Some variations to this theme include: 'this is too much for me; if this happens, I won't survive.' The implication to that inner statement is, 'I'll deal with it later, file it away, I'll face it when I can, when it is not life threatening'.
But we seem to put off forever something that we don't want to deal with now, and the imbalance of the undigested trauma stays with us. We can put time and distance between us and the event, but the experience itself is still on hold. Another response may be to deny that the problem happened. However the more we keep it locked in the 'so called Past', the more strongly we are connected with it. The more unresolved issues we hold off, the more narrow and limited our lives will become." Unprocessed traumatic experiences create suffocation and contraction of the positive e-motional charge (PEC) which leads to massive dysfunction in our bodies-mind system. The disproportion between positive and negative e-motional charge (Pain-Body) is such that the natural bodily activities are deeply affected. Just think for a moment, the amount of Life force that it has taken to "hold" that NEC stored in the cells all this time! Now imagine for a while how you would feel releasing that NEC, allowing the transformation to take place. When we use this technology, we do not erase the memory. The stuck Life force is liberated, leaving the cells' natural energy free to be used for self-healing and growth. Since very young, we learned to resist our feelings, damaging ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. We did this because we didn't know what we were doing and because we imitated others (ancestors, parents, teachers, TV programs, publicity, books, etc.) When we disregard a feeling, we are resisting its existence and trying to exchange it for something that matches our self-image. When we resist "what is" and the existence of present feelings, we cannot digest the experience. This is how the NEC is stored in the body-mind organism creating the Pain-Body.

What supports the Pain-Body is "unconsciousness"

The Pain-Body is an inner energy field, almost a "separate entity", with its own agenda. This is an energy field of negative beliefs. And the negative decisions that we make about our life and ourselves, may affect our reactions when a certain button is pushed." Sometimes the stimuli are "nonsense" and other people don't understand our dramatic overreaction. This creates more negativity in our thoughts and perceptions, attracting more uncomfortable circumstances into our experience.

The Pain-Body is very big in our civilization; it is everywhere--books, movies, television--wherever we go, we see its expression. These are expressions of resistance, of anger, envy, oppression, resentment, fear, guilt, shame and all other forms of negativity. It is friction that was never resolved in our system, friction that was never observed, allowed and transformed, but rather stored and put on hold. When we go through a negative experience, usually we make a decision such as, "I'm not good enough," or "I won't be able to make it"; " I'm dumb", or "this is too much for me". When we believe in those decisions, they get imprinted in our energy field and they run our life from then on. Most of those decisions were made at a formative age, or were absorbed from our mother's energy field in the womb.

The main reason that we don't want to deal with the Pain-Body is because we don't know how. In addition, we don't know how because we never knew of its existence. We were not aware of it! The Pain-Body is the accumulation in us of all the negative experiences we have had, all the resistance, all the complaints. Most of it is unnecessary suffering. Unconsciously we get used to a way of perceiving life that causes us suffering. It is because of ignorance and imitation. We don't know what we are doing to ourselves.

The Pain-Body can be released when we transform the stagnant NEC in our system. We digest NEC when we fully acknowledge and allow our feelings, without reactivity, and without judging ourselves, for the way we feel. While practicing this work, you will be consciously visiting your energy field, perhaps for the first time in your life. You will be bringing awareness to your mental and emotional reality. It is not the expression of the emotions that is relevant, it is owning them, being present to them. Not because they are "your" emotions, but because they are happening in you "now". And when you accept fully what is happening in the now, it passes through you; it doesn't get stuck.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Stop Running From Your Solutions!!!

Proverbs 3:13-18  (NIV)

13 Blessed are those who find wisdom,  those who gain understanding, 14 for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold. 15 She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. 17 Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. 18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed


Everyone from time to time has told someone else, or had the thought in their mind at least to "Stop Running From Your Problems!"  Well, the same can be said about the solutions to those problems.  The one major difference is that your problems will follow you wherever you run-their solutions will not.

It's safe to say that if you're human, then you have something in your life that makes you feel like getting away from it.  Whether it's a broken down relationship, childhood memories related to trauma of some sort or even money issues-problems are inherently the same.  Oftentimes, we will be sprinting through life trying to outrun these dilemmas and we don't even realize it until much later, when the situation becomes like the movie "Groundhog Day" and you find yourself reliving the same scenarios time after time.

These patterns of repetition in certain areas of our lives are meant to stand out and grab our attention.  They are designed to draw our focus inward so that we can identify what our subconscious mind is communicating to us through the events and people in our lives.  Unfortunately, we are usually spurred by strong emotions to move in just the opposite direction.  Outward.  We begin to analyze the individuals that we have had issues with and we begin to pin the blame and shame on them for whatever has gone wrong.  Step two in this process causes us to pick up speed as our thoughts race and we settle into the rhythm of excuses such as "I don't know why the wrong people are always attracted to me!" or "Everytime I think my finances are turning around something happens and I'm broke again!" or maybe even, "I just have the worst luck in this area of my life!"

All of these excuses are like a pair of awesome running shoes.  They help you run faster, harder and feel less impact as you're doing it.  They provide a comfortable cocoon of denial in your mind which lure you into accepting that whatever struggle you are sprinting away from is never going to end so you have to just keep running.  You may run through five failing relationships with similar issues.  You may sprint through two bancruptcies and blame it all on bad luck.  You may huff and puff your way through periods of regaining weight after finally shedding fifty pounds only to spiral back into the beginning position and do it all over again.

My point is this, until you figure out what in the world is out of place within the blueprint of your mind/body unit--you are never going to see change occur in your life.  Because as you're running from the true issues by using blame to cover it up--you are in the very same instant burying the exact thing that has the power to set you free from the cycle.

I know that you've probably already read my book, so you know all of the struggles that I faced in relationships all of my life.  I'm here today to reinforce to you the bare fact that it wasn't until I began to search INWARD that my OUTWARD struggles began to cease.  I know that God has given me to this work to teach His people how to truly attain freedom in their lives. 

It is my honor and a blessing to me to do just that.  I am here and ready to help you uncover those little energetic memory seeds that have taken root in your subconcious mind (as well as the cells in your physical body: i.e., cellular memory) and to help you eliminate them.  They are just weeds and once you pluck them out, good things will begin to grow in your life.  The hard part is figuring out how to identify the weed--and I can help you do just that.

I am now offering my Kinetic Healing Services online via my virtual office on LivePerson.  Aside from many professional credentials to my name, I am also the founder and a practitioner of Kinetic Forgiveness Through Inner Alchemy which is a structured self-healing program that teaches the principles and techniques that will turn your life around.  Part of my service is to create a personal meditation portfolio that will guide you through the steps to clearing out all of that old stagnant energy from every element of your body and mind.

God has put it on my heart to reach out to those of you who have been immersing yourselves in the Practice of The Secret.  If you have tried the techniques and yet still are not seeing positive results flowing into your life, there is a reason. 

The Secret works through movement of energy over the planes.  This energy moves from your subconcious mind out into the Infinite Field of Pure Potentiality where it orchestrates events that then move back across the plane into physical reality. 

This process cannot work for you if you have something in your subconcious mind that is blocking the movement of this energy.  The stagnation or block is often caused by events in your life that left a little seed of negative energy behind which began to grow over time and started to operate in your life on its own, sending messages over the planes which brought those negative realities into your physical world.  You won't be able to realize your full creative potential until this energy is removed.  

This process isn't a fifteen minute fix.  It takes time, effort, energy and faith to bring about the changes you are yearning for in your life.  If you're ready to make an investment in your own happiness and well-being, please contact me for more information.  I am here to help those of you who feel the initiative burning inside and to whom my words ring true in your heart and mind.  I am not looking to convince anyone of anything-I am simply here in the potential that God has given me as a teacher and a healer and I am available and ready to help you today.  If you feel drawn to this teaching, that is God's way of letting you know that it's time to move forward.  He wants to lift your burden and give you peace and fulfillment.  A Happy and Successful Life brings happiness, honor and glory to God in every capacity.  It is the entirety of the reason we were created in the beginning.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Healing Your Inner Child

                                       NURTURING THE WOUNDED CHILD WITHIN YOU
Every one of us has a wounded child that we carry deep within ourselves.  Most of us never acknowledge that this child exists, much less addressing any unmet needs for healing that are all its own.  Instead, we blame our repetitive poor choices and inner sadness on other, more outward things in our lives such as money issues, relationship troubles, physical ailments or general discontent.  This is what I like to call External Labeling.  When we practice external labeling, we are essentially giving away all of our power to claim freedom from our inner sense of turbulence.  By allowing ourselves to recognize the wounded child within us, instead of practicing external labeling-we take back that power so that we can release those things which are weighing us down and making our lives feel dull and heavy.
What is the wounded child?  I define the wounded child as a part of us that has been our emotional receptor through which we have emotionally experienced the world around us and the ongoing flow of events in our lives from the time we were children ourselves.  Emotions, you may agree-are ageless.  Emotions don’t grow up as we grow up-they don’t intellectualize and they don’t mature into different aspects of themselves.  Anger is still anger.  Resentment is still resentment.  Happiness is happiness.  And the list goes on.  So you see, if we acknowledge that the part of ourselves that has always been the amplifier of our internal feelings is also an ageless, timeless component of our human self, then we will be better able to understand and to work with this part of ourselves in a dramatically healing way.
An example of the wounded child when you were perhaps seven years old would be that you wanted to play a game with some other children, but they ostracized you and shut you out instead of inviting you into their fun.  Your feelings were hurt, right?  You felt that sensation of sadness, rejection and pain wash over you.  Your wounded child was the part of you that felt those emotions as you witnessed the event.  Let’s say now maybe twenty or thirty years later you are sitting in your cubicle at work and you realize that a group of your coworkers are planning a picnic or a night on the town—and nobody has invited you.  There is a small part of yourself that you will feel as it relives that old pain from your childhood.  Most of us don’t identify this as having roots to our past-we just experience it as a reaction process to a stimulant in our environment.  But that’s not entirely true because our reactions to today’s events and the way we interpret them is largely based on the experiences of our past.  This is the wounded child reminding you of ancient remnants of pain that find new life in the present by reenacting past events using old pathways of emotional energy which bring your past into your present without you knowing it.
I believe that we have many opportunities in daily life to work with and heal our wounded child if we slow down our reaction pattern and learn to address the deeper wound that hasn’t healed.  The next time you find yourself being offended or having your feelings hurt by something other than an outright direct attack against you—think of this wounded child.  Ask him/her to remind you of where that energy originated.  You will be surprised at what comes up in your mind.  Once you have received the information from that part of yourself-and you are remembering that event it is important to consciously release this negative experience.  Forgive those involved and really let go of that experience and all of the things that have been unconsciously tied to it over the years.  You may find yourself reflecting on a moment from your early childhood and then being carried away into something totally different in another period in your life.  This is good, because it allows you the opportunity to close down that old road of negative emotions that continually brings the past into the present and it gives you freedom from old hang-ups and patterns that you have unconsciously created in your life. 
Once you have forgiven and released these events (no matter what they are) the wounded child will release them, as well because there will be no need to “protect” you from similar circumstances by reminding you of past pain.  This is, I believe where the ultimate healing of one’s life becomes possible.
God did not create us to be two dimensional beings that run on a remote control located in the distant past.  He created us to be vibrant and living facets of His own reflection and He expects us to be the creators of our lives using every ounce of creativity that He designed within us.  These, I believe are the actions that bring Him the most glory.  When we move and live and breathe as tiny extensions of the one living God.